Chapter 6 – Elixir of Life
Throughout our evolution, humanity has sought the fountain of youth – a single, magical elixir for the various ailments of life from which we all suffer. Many in our society continue to look outside themselves for this wonderful, elusive potion. Many of our myths and fears hint it is something found external to our being. A pill or potion that absolves humanity from doing the actual work required to achieve the state of health and happiness sought. Today, whether it is the sporting world and the taking of performance enhancing drugs, everyday people seeking surgery for ailments that arise through their own neglect, or society’s increasing obsession with youthfulness at the expense of health, seeking the elixir of life remains a core part of who we are as human beings. Heading back into Central Australia, little did I realise the most important lesson of my journey was about to reveal itself. For Nature has already set out the wisdom we require to be happy and healthy, with the remedies for the problems experienced by our whole being simple and free. It is by looking to the natural world and its wisdom, and actually ignoring humanity’s pills and myths, we can discover the elixir of life we seek.